Last modified: Oct 21, 2024

Peugot E-5008 range & consumption

Here you find all details about range and consumption for Peugot E-5008.

The range will vary depending on several factors. Like how fast you drive, the temperature, wet or dry road, and the equipped equipment. On this page, you will find a diagram and tables with the standard test cycle results like WLTP and EPA and estimated real-world range in different environments.

Charge curve Full screen

Official test cycle results

Below are the officially rated ranges. The tests are performed with the heating/AC turned off. Click on the links in the table for more details about test procedures.

WLTP range basic trim502 km / 312 mi14,54kWh/100km / 4,3 mi/kWh
WLTP range top trim488 km / 303 mi14,96 kWh/100km / 4,2 mi/kWh

Official test cycle results with added heating

The table below shows how turning on heating/cooling on a cold/hot day affects the official range.

RangeRange reduction
WLTP range basic trim with 2KW AC387km / 240 mi-22,9%
WLTP range top trim with 2KW AC379 km / 236 mi-22,3%

Real world range estimates

The table below shows some estimated real-world examples in perfect condition and in conditions needing A/C to heat or cool vehicles. See our range guide to see how the range is affected in real world.

120kmh/75mph perfect condition292 km / 181 mi25 kWh/100km / 2,5 mi/kWh
120kmh/75mph with 2KW heating274 km /170mi26,7 kWh/100km /2,3 mi/kWh

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